Event Details

Retablo Workshop with Artist Joseph Ascensión López
At Los Luceros Historic Site
5/18/24, Saturday
10:00am - 3:00pm
Join Northern Rio Grande National Heritage Area (NRGNHA) and Los Luceros Historic Site for an unforgettable experience in retablo painting and Capilla exploration with Artist in Residence Joseph Ascensión López. First, take a tour of the Capilla and behold the breathtaking collection of Clare Villa’s retablos adorning its walls. These exquisite artworks offer a glimpse into the spiritual traditions of Northern New Mexico, steeped in centuries of history and symbolism. Following the tour, participants will delve into the world of traditional Spanish Colonial Art with NRGNHA artist in residence Joseph Ascensión López, a native of Northern New Mexico and an accomplished Santero. Most of his life, he has worked alongside his father and sister in the creation of Spanish Colonial Art, working in the mediums of bulto and relief carving, as well as retablo and fresco painting. López has been an exhibitor at the traditional Santa Fe Spanish Market for more than 30 years where he has been awarded the Best of Show-Grand Prize, the Archbishop’s Award twice, and has been the featured Poster Artist for Spanish Market twice. In 2022 Joseph was named the Artist in Residence for the Northern Rio Grande National Heritage Area, a Congressionally created National Heritage Area representing the New Mexico counties of Taos, Rio Arriba and Santa Fe.
López will lead a retablo workshop where participants will discover the profound meaning behind each stroke of paint while creating their own masterpieces. The tour and workshop is $50 per person and limited to 15 participants. To register, please contact Conner Tharp from NRGNHA at conner@riograndenha.org. Registration closes May 8, 2024.
Photo by Tira Howard Photography.
Upcoming Events:
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9:00amLos Luceros Ranger Walk ’N Talk
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through 3/26/25, Wednesday
11:00amMesilla Plaza Walking Tour
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